Paardekraal Produce

Contact: Tanya Kroon

Phone: 0824876226


Location: Graaff Reinet

All the produce I make and sell is sourced (where possible) from our farm, Paardekraal in the Camdeboo.  Our ethos is sustainability and the ethical treatment of animals.  All our animals, and the products from which, are reared free from grow hormones / stimulants, routine antibiotics and are free range.  This includes the chickens and ducks who are beyond free range and are garden scratching creatures. As a result the produce is limited to what I can harvest at any one point.

Products available:  Farm chicken pies, Farm chicken lasagne with fresh homemade pasta, Spagethi bolognaise with homemade pasta, Duck pies, Duck eggs, Chicken eggs, Mutton curry, Fresh Goats milk cheese, Marinated goats milk cheese.